Preparations for Crick
We look forward to meeting lots of our friends and to welcoming new friends to our stand at Crick.
This is our second attendance at Crick and preparations are underway.
The weather appears to have provided us with the much needed rain, which is slowly filling up the reservoirs.
Ducklings are now being seen on the cut, bushes and trees are showing their spring growth, summer must be on the way.
Look out for butterflies on the wing, I am informed this is an indication of rising temperatures and they appear at 15oC and above.
Bluebells and wood amenomies are out creating a blue and white carpet in wood land, primroses are also being seen on grassy banks you might also be lucky enough to see some early cowslips. When the sun shows it'self it is a wonderful time for a walk in the early morning and before dusk and listen to the amazing birdsong, and fully enjoy the new spring colours.
I hope to see you at Crick